Arises from an arbitrary number of classes

I have a class whose functionality I would like to depend on a set of plugins. But I'm not sure how to get the class to get an arbitrary number of classes.

Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve.

// insert clever boost or template trickery here
template< class ListOfPolicies >
class CMyClass : public ListOfPolicies 
        // identifiers should be the result of OR-ing all 
        // of the MY_IDENTIFIERS in the TypeList.
        DWORD identifiers; 

        DoSomeInitialization( ..., identifiers, ... );

    int MyFunction()
        return 100;

    // ...

template< class T >
class PolicyA
    enum { MY_IDENTIFIER = 0x00000001 };

    int DoSomethingA()
        T* pT = static_cast< T* >( this );
        return pT->MyFunction() + 1;

    // ...

template< class T >
class PolicyB
    enum { MY_IDENTIFIER = 0x00000010 };

    int DoSomethingB()
        T* pT = static_cast< T* >( this );
        return pT->MyFunction() + 2;

    // ...

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    CMyClass< PolicyA > A;
    assert( A.DoSomethingA() == 101 );

    CMyClass< PolicyA, PolicyB > AB
    assert( AB.DoSomethingA() == 101 );
    assert( AB.DoSomethingB() == 102 );

    return 0;


Thanks, PaulH


source to share

3 answers

With Boost.MPL Library :

//Warning: Untested
namespace bmpl = boost::mpl;
template<class Typelist>
class X : bmpl::inherit_linearly<Typelist, bmpl::inherit<bmpl::_1, bmpl::_2> >::type


Used like:

X<bmpl::vector<Foo, Bar, Baz> > FooBarBaz;


For the "OR-all all MY_IDENTIFIER" part, something like the following lines:

//Warning: still not tested:
    bmpl::fold<Typelist, bmpl::int_<0>, bmpl::bitor_<_1, _2> >::value;




To get from an arbitrary list of types, you will need to specify an arbitrary number of types. For this, I only know type lists. I will use this for the following code:

class nil {};

template< typename H, class T >
struct type_list {
    typedef H head_type;
    typedef T tail_type;


With this in mind, you can create a template that infers from all types in the type list:

template< class TL >
struct derivator;

struct derivator<nil> {};

template< typename H, typename T >
struct derivator< type_list<H,T> > : public H
                                   , public derivator<T> {};


I have tested this with the following code

class A {};   void a(A) {std::cout << "A\n";}
class B {};   void b(B) {std::cout << "B\n";}
class C {};   void c(C) {std::cout << "C\n";}

class X : public derivator< type_list<A 
                          , type_list<B 
                          , type_list<C 
                          , nil > > > > {};

int main(void)
    X x;

    return 0;


Both VC and Comeau seem to be like this code and it prints



so it works.



Possible implementation using type lists:

#include <cstdlib>

 * Base classes that you want to inherit from.
struct A
    A() {std::cout << "A()" << std::endl;}

struct B
    B() {std::cout << "B()" << std::endl;}

struct C
    C() {std::cout << "C()" << std::endl;}

 * Typelists
struct NullType {};

template <typename H, typename T>
struct InheritanceList : public H, public T
    typedef H head_t;
    typedef T tail_t;

template <typename H>
struct InheritanceList<H,NullType> : public H
    typedef H        head_t;
    typedef NullType tail_t;

#define INHERITANCE_LIST_1(x)     InheritanceList<x,NullType>
#define INHERITANCE_LIST_2(x,y)   InheritanceList<x,InheritanceList<y,NullType>
#define INHERITANCE_LIST_3(x,y,z) InheritanceList<x,InheritanceList<y,InheritanceList<z,NullType> > >

 * Your class
struct MyClass : public INHERITANCE_LIST_3(A,B,C)

 * Entry point
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    MyClass mc;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;




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