Loading images in ASP.NET using C #

I created 2 pages: page1.aspx and page2.aspx. I have defined 5 file loader controls on page 2, but I want to keep the Page1.aspx button on the save button.

There is actually a back button on the page where I save the entire load file in a string object and populate in the .aspx page as a session.

How do I save the file to the server?


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1 answer

Here are some links to help you with this:

1) http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/multiuploads.aspx

2) http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=68&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

3) http://www.asp.net/Learn/videos/video-252.aspx

Also keep in mind that the user associated with the ASP.net account must have sufficient permissions on the server folder you are uploading the file to and the default maximum file size is 4MB, but you can change this using the http.timefig configuration changes web.config.

Hope this helps,




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