Displaying database data table in MVC
Made a change of solution: I am trying to display a html data table. In my controller, I run the object as null and then pass the object as a reference to update the object based on information in the DB, a custom control named (Indexcontrol.ascx) ":
List<dataob> data = null;
dataManager target = new dataManager();
//pass the parameter to a stored procedure and update it
target.LoadFromDatabase(ref data);
this.ViewData.Model =data;
return View("Index");
I am trying to see how to display a table when the information is in a data object using a similar route, it is all in a user control
<tbody >
<% foreach (businesslayer.dataob m in ViewData.Model)
{ %>
<td><%= m.ID%></td>
<td><%= m.Date %></td>
<td><%= m.Description %></td>
<% } %>
I figured out the problem .... as I had the table attribute set to runat = server which gave me the error. Don't know why, but he did
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2 answers
I'm not sure why you are avoiding the ViewData.Model. There is no reason I can see in this case why:
ViewData["data"] = data;
ViewData.Model = data;
If you were using a strongly typed View page, you could avoid having to use a model. Then you can simply do:
<% foreach (dataob m in ViewData.Model) { %>
<td><%= m.Id %></td>
<td><%= m.user %></td>
<td><%= m.Date %></td>
<% } %>
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