"The specified domain either does not exist or cannot be associated with it"

I am trying to use Integrated Windows Authentication in conjunction with DirectorySearcher to identify and authenticate an intranet user.

I was able to get some pretty simple code that seemed to do the trick, but when I tried on a live server I got the following error:

"The specified domain either does not exist or cannot be associated with it"

I cannot debug the application on a real server, so I copied it over to the old development server to test it. When I ran the application normally, it came up with the same error, so I tried to debug VS ... except that it worked fine.

I suspect it has to do with impersonation or with the LDAP invocation - obviously when this works for the debugger it is difficult to be sure of the real problem.

But I thought one of you guys could point me in the right direction.

Snippets from my authentication class:

Private Function GetUserID() As String
    Dim sID As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
    Return Mid(sID, InStr(sID, "\") + 1)
End Function

Private Function GetDisplayName() As String
    Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
    Dim oResult As SearchResult
    Dim sName As String = String.Empty

    With oSearcher
        .Filter = String.Format("(SAMAccountName={0})", _UserID)
        oResult = .FindOne()
        If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
            sName = oResult.Properties("displayName")(0).ToString()
        End If
    End With

    Return sName
End Function
Private Function GetEmail() As String
    Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
    Dim oResult As SearchResult
    Dim sEmail As String = String.Empty

    With oSearcher
        .Filter = String.Format("(SAMAccountName={0})", _UserID)
        oResult = .FindOne()
        If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
            sEmail = oResult.Properties("mail")(0).ToString()
        End If
    End With

    Return sEmail

End Function

Private Function GetGroups() As StringCollection
    Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
    Dim oResult As SearchResult
    Dim colGroups As New StringCollection
    Dim i As Int16

    With oSearcher
        .Filter = String.Format("(cn=" & _UserName & ")", _UserID)
        oResult = .FindOne()

        If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
            Dim iGroupCount As Int16 = oResult.Properties("memberOf").Count

            For i = 0 To iGroupCount - 1

        End If
    End With

    Return colGroups
End Function



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3 answers

I found it much easier to use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace for this kind of thing, in your case the UserPrincipal class is your friend.

Private Function GetEmail() As String
        Dim pc As PrincipalContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)
        Dim wi As WindowsIdentity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity
        Dim up As UserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, wi.Name)

        Return up.EmailAddress
End Function




I had the same problem and realized that the reason for the error was the way the URL was written.

When using AD and ADSI, make sure you are using the "UPPER CASE" paths. As I can see from your code, you write "cn" as lowercase. [GetGroups function]

Another way I'll try is to make sure you are using the correct connection string you are using.

LDAP: // CN = "+ username +", OU = "+ OU +", OU = myOU, DC = myDC1, DC = myDC2 ";


LDAP: // orgname .ad.root / CN = "+ username +", OU = "+ OU +", OU = myOU, DC = myDC1, DC = myDC2 ";

where " orgname " is the name of the server that AD is running on.

Hope it helps.



Here's another way to achieve the same functionality:

string fullPath = "LDAP://abc.xyz.com/DC=xyz, DC=com";
AuthenticationTypes authType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
DirectoryEntry verifiedUser = new DirectoryEntry(fullPath, txtUserName.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Text.Trim(), authType);
isAuthorisedUser = true;


This worked for me.



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