Make text paragraph with VBA only (Microsoft Word 2003)

Is there a way to make a paragraph in a Microsoft Word 2003 document readable using VBA only?


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3 answers

I think you can do this by selecting the paragraphs that will not be protected .

Below is an example of a macro that selects a piece of text, allows it to be edited, and then locks the rest of the document. You can use IRM or password protection, the macro below uses the latter. You should replace the selection method below with something more elegant

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=11, Extend:=wdExtend 
Selection.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone
ActiveDocument.protect Password:="password", NoReset:=False, Type:= _
wdAllowOnlyReading, UseIRM:=False, EnforceStyleLock:=False




You might be able to do this by throwing the protected text into the text form and protecting it. Obviously a little rough.



The answer above will highlight the yellow edit area selection.

One option is to add this AutoOpen code 997f-092fc4aaaa7a

Sub AutoOpen()
   ActiveWindow.View.ShadeEditableRanges = False
End Sub


In Word 2007 (tested), a more direct way is to create rich text content and set properties. This will easily make the paragraph read-only without doing any highlight events.

Sub LockContent()

Dim objCC As ContentControl
Set objCC = ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(Type:=wdContentControlRichText)

With objCC
    .Range.Text = "123123" 'Your text
    .LockContentControl = True
    .LockContents = True
End With

End Sub


More ContentControl.LockContentControl content at

Hope this helps someone who has the same headache!: D



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