Exchange powershell: parsing a boolean value array

In my release, I get

@ {ActiveSyncEnabled = False}

how do I parse it so that it just says "False"?

the output comes from this line of code:

 $pda = get-casmailbox -Anr $user.displayname | select activesyncenabled 



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2 answers

I don't have access to the exchange box right now, but now the information should be in someone who does it. Here's what worked:

$ pda = get-casmailbox -Anr $ user.displayname | select activesyncenabled $ pda.ActiveSyncEnabled | Host entry



To access the value directly:

(get-casmailbox -Anr $ user.displayname) .activesyncenabled

You can omit anr and use the identity element:

Get-CASMailbox $ user.Identity

To get all default activated mailboxes:

get-casmailbox -resultSize unlimited -filter {activesyncenabled -eq $ true}



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