10, "left"=>10), array("top"=>50, "lef...">

Adding key and value to all arrays in an array

I would like to accept this:

$arr = array(
   array("top"=>10, "left"=>10),
   array("top"=>50, "left"=>30),
   array("top"=>60, "left"=>70)


Run the function and get:

   array("top"=>10, "left"=>10, "width"=>400),
   array("top"=>50, "left"=>30, "width"=>400),
   array("top"=>60, "left"=>70, "width"=>400)


Right now I am iterating over the foreach loop. Is there a better way? The key / value value will always be the same.

Thank! Matt Mueller


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2 answers

I don't think there is a better way. The foreach loop is a good way to do this. In short and simple:

foreach ($arr as &$val) {
    $val['width'] = 400;




    $x['width'] = 400;
    return $x;
}, $arr);




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