TreeView is bound to XMLDataProvider - shows data in editor but is empty on startup

I have bound TreeView to XMLDataProvider. The TreeView displays the data as expected in the Visual Studio editor. But when I press F5 the app starts but the treeview is empty. Does anyone know why I can't see it when I start the application?

Here's all the code:

<Window x:Class="TreeViewDataBinding.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
    <XmlDataProvider x:Key="FolderList">
                <Folder Name="Audit Reports" />
                <Folder Name="Joes Test" >
                    <Folder Name="Analysis01" />
                    <Folder Name="Test090803" />
                <Folder Name="Carl" />
                <Folder Name="Steve" />

            <Binding XPath="child::*" />
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=@Name}" />
            ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource FolderList}, XPath=//TreeFolders/*}"
            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource FolderTreeItemTemplate}" />



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1 answer

I haven't run the code, but I think you need to specify the namespace:



Attach xmlns to the fist data tag:

<XmlDataProvider x:Key="FolderList">
        <TreeFolders xmlns="">
            <Folder Name="Audit Reports"/>
            <Folder Name="Joes Test">
                <Folder Name="Analysis01"/>
                <Folder Name="Test090803"/>
            <Folder Name="Carl"/>
            <Folder Name="Steve"/>




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