Spring JSON View: ApplicationObjectSupport does not start on ApplicationContext

I am trying to use Json View for Spring ( http://spring-json.sourceforge.net/ ) (org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.JsonView) but whenever I write a controller class that extends AbstractController

, I am getting the following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ApplicationObjectSupport instance [org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.JsonView] does not start in ApplicationContext

The weird thing is that when I implement the Controller interface directly and don't inherit, everything is fine. The error only occurs when I inherit from AbstractController


In my current case, although I would like to extend AbstractFormController

and therefore cannot write a class that does not inherit from AbstractController


Any ideas?


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2 answers

This is a rather misleading error message, in fact it is complaining that the JsonView is not working in the context of the application. This means the JsonView

bean was not created by Spring, but you created it yourself ( JsonView

extends ApplicationObjectSupport

and therefore must be Spring-managed).

However, you have not provided us with any of your codes, so it's hard to say for sure. I'm assuming your controller creates it by itself JsonView

? You should let Spring do this, either by injecting a JsonView

bean into the controller, or perhaps using ViewResolver

(if Spring-Json supplies one).



If you are doing Java configuration (as opposed to XML), in your configuration class, you can call a method setApplicationContext

on the object that is complaining.

Here's what helped in Spring MVC 3.2.2 when trying to initialize ContentNegotiatingViewResolver

in Java.

Here's an example of a config class:

public class MyConfig
  private ApplicationContext appContext;

  public ContentNegotiatingViewResolver contentNegotiatingViewResolver ( )
     ContentNegotiatingViewResolver retVal = 
       new ContentNegotiatingViewResolver( );


     retVal.setApplicationContext( appContext );

     return retVal;




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