How do you use WatiN to click the Ajax Toolkit TabContainer header?

I have an ajax tooling TabContainer control on my page with two tabs. In my test, I would like to switch between tabs.

I tried to _ie.Span("tabHeaderID").Click()

, .MouseDown()

, .FireEvent("onclick")

. I've tried the same methods on the parent span elements as well.

I also tried Eval-ing javascript to set the active index like so:



Has anyone used WatiN successfully to switch tabs?


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1 answer

I have not figured out how to simulate clicking on the title of a tab. However, I have a way to get to the second tab - just a slight variation on the eval description from my original post:

_ie.Eval ("$ find (\" ctl00_AdminContentPlaceHolder_TabContainer1 \ ") set_activeTabIndex (1).");

It uses $ find instead of $ get to get the tab container object.



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