Using sax writer to generate strings in xml book 2003

Hi stackoverflow employee,

using sax writer with progress-4gl language, I managed to create xml tutorial 2003.

My problem started when I wanted to add a row to a cell. Normal line translation for excel (to xml) is done with "", this is a problem because sax-writer converts amp as well. amp.

I found a workaround using hSax #: write-entity-ref (), but this is not ideal because line breaks are usually not at the beginning of a line.

Example: this is a new line.

In this case, you need to write this a and then use hSax #: write-entity-ref () and then write a new line. I would say there must be a better way to fix this?


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1 answer

Found a solution (although it took me a while).

with hSax #: write-fragment () it is possible to write strings without converting special characters.



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