Adding a License to Your .NET Web Application

I am currently looking at adding some licensing type software that will protect the source code of my .net web application. I wonder if you guys had any experience with this and knew maybe any companies or sources that provide such utilities?

So my main goal is to protect the actual files

ie Default.aspx Default.aspx.cs .... being copied in the future if I can't stop them from being used.


EDIT: From reading the answers, I seem to think the obfuscator seems to be on its way. Does the obfuscator program only work on exe or dll, or does it work on separate pages?


source to share

7 replies

One step you can take is to release it as a web application, not a website.

Differences here from

As for Default.aspx, I don't know how to encrypt html pages that are served through standard web servers, and clients can still view Source anyway unless you write the whole page in JavaScript writes (terrible to control).

Your best bet is not to include any application logic code that has ever been in aspx and compile your binaries using the obfusicator.



I'm wondering if a simple pre-compilation can do the trick in your ASP.NET application, we do it here at the company. We ship our web modules, pre-compiled, and no one will see that in the aspx code all the "code-behind" files are translated into DLLs.

see details here



I wouldn't bother with obfuscation: the latest syntactic sugars, compilation tricks, and optimizations in .NET 3.5 make simple reverse engineering pretty tough.

For example, every time you use a keyword yield

, it generates an enumeration class with a complex structure and an unreadable name.

Obfuscation will make it harder to reverse engineer, but not enough. Either restrains a basic hack with a copy of the reflector , and won't stop or stop a determined and expert cracker.

I would name all of your assemblies and then if they change they should discard everything.

I would take the same amount of application logic from the web project and into the associated DLLs - your web project should really be about the user interface. This makes it easier to unit test the underlying logic and is more confusing if you decide it's worth it.



your website may send you some server information every time a user logs in. If the mech information is wrong, deregister.



I was wondering if there is another way to protect your sour code other than obfuscator or precompilation.

I. You have a list of pages Default.aspx Default.aspx.cs web.config

What is your main goal - to prevent third parties from accepting your code if they have access to the source code?



unless you confuse it in any way, so it's more effort than worth it, or you will precompile. I don't see how you could prevent them from simply isolating the license check code and removing it.

You can run an obfuscator over the source code and distribute the obfuscated version, there are many examples of this, especially for javascript.



I think you are mixing two different things here. One is legal protection (for which licenses) and the other is for physical protection. If everyone obeyed the law, then physical protection would not be needed.

I suggest you choose the license that suits you (there are many) and then take care of the physical protection.



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