Create a digital personalized fingerprint template from serialized data
This is a very specific question that will probably bring me a crawl icon, but please answer if you can
I imported the digitalPersona dll dll as type libraries in Delphi and I am trying to validate the fingerprints that I have stored as serialized data in the database, it works very amazingly. Registration seems to work fine, but I can't seem to turn the binary data from the fingerprint back into DPFPTemplate objects. I get an OLEException all the time every time I try to use the defaultinterface property of the TDPFPTemplate object.
I'm wondering how Digital Persona expects you to use your SDK to recreate your fingerprints. Here's what their instructions say:
1. * Retrieve serialized fingerprint template data from a fingerprint data storage subsystem. 2. Deserialize a DPFPTemplate object by calling the Deserialize method (VB page 40, C ++ page 83). 3. Return a DPFPTemplate object.
All the ways to create the DPFPTemplate seem to involve using the fingerprint reader itself.
Here's one way that doesn't work
Result := CreateOleObject('DPFPShrX.DPFPTemplate.1') as IDPFPTemplate;
and here is another
DPFPTemplate := TDPFPTemplate.Create(nil); DPFPTemplate.DefaultInterface.Deserialize(String(AUserFinREcPtr.FingerBuffer));
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I found a pdf document where the Deserialize method is committed with a byte. Your FingerBuffer is PAnsiChar, which is an array of bytes. But then you pass it to a string, which is automatically converted to OleString (Delphi converts the string to OleString when you assign it to OleVariant). So you no longer have a byte array.
What you can try (I won't guarantee it :)):
lByteArray: Variant;
lArrayPointer: Pointer;
lStr: AnsiString;
DPFPTemplate: TDPFPTemplate;
lStr := AUserFinREcPtr.FingerBuffer;
lByteArray := VarArrayCreate([0, Length(lStr) - 1], varByte );
lArrayPointer:= VarArrayLock(lByteArray);
Move( lStr[1], lArrayPointer^, Length(lStr) );
DPFPTemplate := TDPFPTemplate.Create(nil);
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