Refactoring in access requests

so I inherited an access db with different naming conventions applied to tables. I am in pain and I want to reorganize. The code is not a problem, but what about the SQL embedded in the queries?

Now to answer my own question roughly, but can anyone think of a better method?


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2 answers

You might want to check out Rick Fisher's Find and Replace tool. I think this will do what you want. It searches for and replaces all Access objects: forms, reports, queries, etc. I really liked this when I used it a few times a few years ago:

I think there was at least one other all-encompassing find and replace tool for Access databases in the past, I don't remember its name or didn't know if it was still there.



For Each qdf In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
    CurrentDb.Execute "insert into qdfs (name, sql) select '" & qdf.Name & "','" & Replace(qdf.sql, "'", "''") & "'"
Next qdf


Then I can filter my new qdfs table and at least figure out where I would need to rename the tables.



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