Replace pane scroll bar with dedicated scroll bar

Is there a way to introduce a panel using a dedicated scrollbar?

I have the following problems with the current scrollbar:

  • the software I am building should work with both the Compact framework and the complete framework
  • the cf has a touch screen attached and the scrollbars do not support touch screen by default.
  • In the full structure, the behavior of scrollbars is sometimes strange.
  • All controls are skins in the app, as well as my current custom scrollbar, but the default scrollbar appearance does not fit all skins.

One way is to have 2 panels as one custom control and move one above the other, but I prefer not to implement it that way due to all the overhead.


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1 answer

You must incur some overhead with this approach. Set the "AutoScroll" Panel property to false. Install VScrollBar and handle it with resize panes events.



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