How do I navigate to the source for a method in an xref in Visual Studio 2005?

I have a C # project in VS 2005, with a reference to Foo.dll, a C ++. NET code library, at c: \ Foo \ Foo.dll. It shows the link correctly in the object browser, but for a given method of the object + I can't figure out how to navigate to the source for it inside Visual Studio.

I created Foo.dll myself from source on my local machine and Foo.pdb is in the same location as Foo.dll, c: \ Foo \ Foo.dll.pdb. I don't have a project for Foo in the solution I am working on.

By looking at the stack trace from my C # application, I can see that it knows exactly where the source is on my system - I see a line that looks like this:

at mycompany.Foo.SomeClass.SomeMethod () at c: \ src \ foo \ src \ line 123

This is the right place for this source file, but I can't figure out how to easily open VS Does Visual Studio require Foo to be set up as a project in my solution in order to easily navigate to source code?



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2 answers

Can you include the project in the solution and build from the "project link"?



Is your application loading Foo.dll from patch c: \ Foo \ Foo.dll? I assume you actually have a copy of the dll in the bin folder of the application. If so, the .pdb file must be in one place. You should then be able to enter the code - Visual Studio should ask for the location of the code.

Another thought is under Tools> Options, look at the Debugging section. In the General section, see the Include My Code Only (Managed Only) section. If so, uncheck the box and then try to debug.



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