How can I notify TFS about build statistics?

I was told that TFS can accept build / test label data from third party continuous integration tools. Does anyone know how this works or are there any good links for me? My google-fu seems weak today and I can't find any information on it. We would like to have a short powershell script or application running at the end of the build and send all known metrics to TFS so that they can be displayed in certain reports. Actually, I would like the datastore for the TFS BUild Server to already have room for the datastore, but I'll be using CC.NET. I think assembly name, result (Pass / Fail), number of warnings, number of errors, time, UnitTests run, UnitTest tests passed, code coverage, FxCopThanks results.


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1 answer

I am afraid there is not yet a ready integration that does this. A plugin that CC.NET links to TFS is available on CodePlex , but this just allows CC.NET to use TFS for versioning and does not allow output of build results to TFS.

To get data in TFS from CruiseControl.NET you have several options. You can write your own custom TFS storage adapter that is complex but ultimately flexible, or you can use a combination of the Team Build API and a bit of vodoo to inject data into the TFS Build store, which will also be loaded into the TFS data store. However, this would be limited in TFS2008 as you could only push build and unit test data, but not stuff like Code Coverage.

However, transferring data from CC.NET to TFS is what I originally wanted to do. However, in TFS2008, the built-in build system was so good that I switched from using CC.NET to trigger a build using TFS to trigger and control the build. This had the advantage that all statistics were accounted for automatically (and the built-in user interface in Visual Studio). Since I moved to TFS2008 I have lost motivation to collect CC.NET stuff.

If anyone would like to contribute to the feature of posting TFS build results for CC.NET integration then feel free to join the project on CodePlex - I would like me to have some help.



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