Can C # be used for mobile and PC sharing?

As a side project in my degree, I would like to communicate with a mobile phone and a computer. I'm curious to communicate via bluetooth, is it possible to do this in C #? If possible, please provide me with a list of applications or hardware that I would request for this.



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3 answers

If (and this is big if based on the lack of information in your question) you mean "How to write an application on my PC using C # that can communicate with a Windows Mobile device connected to my computer via ActiveSync or WMDC ", then the RAPI response . Here is a free, open source managed shell .



Yes its possible if it is with windows of a mobile phone or a pocket computer with Bluetooth. You need a Bluetooth enabled computer and a mobile phone. For dev, you need to download windows mobile 6 sdk .

Then, by developing the connection between the desktop application and the mobile phone, you can use the open source 32feet.Net .

When you download it and install it (well, it unpacks into your program files folder), you will have a DLL that you link from in Visual Studio. You will also get some sample applications. One of them is Bluetooth chat, which works on the desktop, Pocket PC and SmartPhone.



Another option you can use is setting up a web service that acts as an intermediary between the device and your device. One huge advantage to this is that you are no longer bound by Bluetooth distance requirements.

Of course, if you are trying to create some kind of contactless service (do z when element x is 3 meters away from element y) then maybe Bluetooth is the way to go.



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