How do I write a WSDL file to accept arbitrary SOAP headers?

I have a client who wants to send a large number of SOAP header fields to my web service. The only thing I expect from these values ​​is to reflect them.

What is the correct way to handle this? They would like me to define each one in the WSDL, but they are very specific and won't make any difference to other clients.

I have some code that just intercepts the request and copies the headers back to the response, but I don't know how to deal with this in WSDL. Is it okay to just leave them? Or a general way of saying "send me something and I'll send it back"?


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1 answer

At least in WSDL 1.1, it is not required to list all headers in the WSDL file:

It is not necessary to exhaustively list all headers that appear in the SOAP envelope using the soap: header. For example, extensions (see Section 2.1.3) in the WSDL can mean that certain headers need to be added to the actual payload, and there is no need to list those headers here.

I can't find the relevant section in the WSDL 2.0 spec, but I don't think that would change.



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