Assembly.CodeBase: when is it not a file-URI?

Assembly.Location provides a simple assembly path. Unfortunately, when run in a shadow environment like unit test or ASP.NET, this is empty. Hovever, the Codebase property is available and provides a URI that can be used instead. In what cases does it not return a URI starting with file:///

? Or, in other words: what are the cases when this won't work or return unusable results?

Assembly assembly = GetType().Assembly;    
Uri codeBaseUri = new Uri(assembly.CodeBase);
string path = codeBaseUri.LocalPath;



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2 answers

It is possible to load assemblies directly over HTTP, for example to a ClickOnce deployment:

Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("http://server/app.dll");
Uri codeBaseUri = new Uri(assembly.CodeBase);
Debug.Assert(codeBaseUri.Scheme == "http"); 
Debug.Assert(codeBaseUri.LocalPath == "");
Debug.Assert(assembly.Location == "");




Also, # char is treated as a chunk separator. See (section 9) for a quick explanation.

Use Assembly.EscapedCodeBase instead of Assembly.CodeBase to fight it.



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