Windows Forms: ShowDialog dialog - not displayed

I start an external process from outlook plugin - and it doesn't show dialog. I am using ShowDialog with no parameters.

Any ideas how to show the dialogue?

The process has no form - I just want to show a dialog with some choices. If I call "MessageBox.Show" first, the dialog is displayed - otherwise it doesn't.

I think this is something like Peterchen's answer in this thread: Form.ShowDialog () or Form.ShowDialog (this)?

BTW I don't have an owner because this process has no "main window".

Any ideas?


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1 answer

I think you need a parent window for modals to work. In the end, the only difference from Show () is that the child window locks the parent. You can always create a hidden dummy window and use it as the main window, but why not just use .Show () as it works?



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