Flash programming. Does anyone know how to work with an array of images?

A friend asked me to take a Flash 8.0 static gallery website and make it dynamic. Most of the articles I have found for dynamic image galleries involve loading images on demand into an existing movie clip. I can't do this because there are some really neat transitions that require both images to be available. I figured out how to use the MovieClipLoader class to load the images I need for an array of images, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to place (and copy) them into specific layers. Any help would be appreciated.


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3 answers

I advise you to redo the gallery instead of trying to fix something old. Have you done an old project?

The main logic would be like this:

You must have:

  • two containers
  • variable that saves the active container
  • list of uploaded images

The procedure should look like this:

  • load the first image into the first container and make it visible (container)
  • load second image into second container and make it NOT visible (container)
  • If the user wants to see the next image, the transition goes: the secont container becomes visible, and the first one becomes hidden.
  • now load the third image into the first container and remove the first image // the logic to handle which container you should load into, you store in this variable


If I were you, I would go through this tutorial first and see if you have any ahHA points.




This was the tutorial I started with and realized that I needed more. This is what I was talking about when I linked to downloadable images on demand. I need the images to be preloaded, perhaps into an array, and then placed on different layers so that they can use masks.



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