Find a "semi-project" for Silverlight suggestions?

I want to keep my feet wet in Silverlight. I think that all the readings and tutorials in the world do not work like the real project. Plus I made tutorials, read a few books, listened to podcasts, and so on. I'm ready for the next step. I am not sure how to go about this step. I'm certainly not ready to put "Silverlight development" in resumΓ© with confidence. Some parameters:

  • go out for an interview and place some baseball bets for the RIA, considering that part of my compensation is experience
  • craigslist
  • find a designer who needs a programmer - I have already asked all my design friends;)

I would like to find a non-profit idea, it would be great if I felt that I was helping while studying. But that seems long. I would really like this to be a public site, so I can use it as part of a portfolio. And I would be willing to work for free, or a rolling amount. I am not a designer, so I need help in this department. I have some experience with this, but it was so long ago and I'm not kidding myself with my skills.

I have 4 years experience in ASP.NET, Winforms and C #.

Suggestions for finding this mythical project?


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3 answers

There is no shortage of nonprofits that would like someone to create software for them, and they don't care what technology (that's more or less the mood of any client). I found a non-profit that has a technology need and I use ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight to meet that need, although admittedly over time it doesn't progress nearly as fast as a "paid" project ... So my advice is to find a non-profit mission that you believe in and just send them an email. I doubt they will reject you.

Alternatively, please help me! :)



My first and unfinished project in Silverlight was launched in November 2007. I was designing a US poll map where the user could see the vote count in real time, hover over the state, and get a detailed breakdown. Similar to John King Magic Card.

My newborn twins were three months old at the time, so I didn't get the chance to finish it, but it was a great experience. Silverlight is great for highly visual applications. Some more ideas:

  • Nothing geographic like survey material. There is a free map XAML USA, Google map "XAML USA".
  • Graphs, charts, etc. There are some third party controls available for this, or you can experiment with your own.
  • Drag and Drop interfaces can actually appear in Silverlight.
  • A game! (My personal favorite)


Here are some ideas:

  • Create an easy-to-navigate Silverlight shopping cart that integrates with your e-commerce system.
  • I would try to join an existing open source Silverlight project as a contributor to this Silverlight Ribbon project on CodePlex.


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