What options are available to implement rich reporting in asp.net mvc?

I want to implement rich reporting functionality in one of our asp.net mvc based web applications. Required functions in reports:

  • Graphs
  • Diagrams
  • Grouping, sub-tables, page break, etc.
  • Export to excel, pdf, csv and other formats
  • Printing support

We are ready to purchase commercial control (if free ones are not available). Please suggest us the best options available.


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4 answers

I don't know what rich reporting packages there are 100% ASP.NET MVC. I've seen some talk about MVC.

But technically you don't need the MVC version of the report controls. ASP.NET MVC allows you to use standard ASP.NET features like WebForms, postbacks, server controls, etc. It's as simple as an in-place replacement solution, as default ASP.NET MVC programming see if the directory or file exists first before routing through the controller logic.

So, if there are no versions of Asp.Net Mvc Graphs and Diagrams that you like - then fear not, you can go back to the ones you used for your previous asp.net form projects. Although I recommend pasting it into a dedicated directory (i.e. / Reports) to keep the website clean.



I suggest you try and use a regular web form for reports, with graphics, charts, and any other ontrol you might need. MVC views and web forms can live in the same project, flagging it wrong. At least until you find a way to do it using the MVC view.

In my opinion, you don't need to do all the MVC in the project, you are "allowed" to do whatever you need to make your application work the way you want it to.



You can use asp.net diagram manager which can be downloaded and maintained with ASP.net MVC



I found this while looking for something similar.


I haven't used it though. There is a trial download.



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