Knowing the Vim XMLns context

I used Vim g:xmldata_

to describe possible XML elements to take advantage of the multi-minute contention for XML. The problem is not in each A

node has a0

, a1

, an

. Sometimes A

node only has a0

. And the documentation is a0

both A

different and dependent on the parent A


|  \-a0     // documentation of E.A.a0
|  \-a1
     \-a0     // documentation of E.B.A.a0


The documentation for A and a0 is different. But the user will see the same help text in the full preview window.

Here is a test xmldata to reproduce. Put it

let g:xmldata_test = {
\ 'vimxmlroot': ['E'],
\ 'E': [['A', 'B']],
\ 'B': [['A']],
\ 'A': [['a0', 'a1']],
\ 'vimxmltaginfo': {
\ 'a0': ['', 'documentation that only confuses an user'] }}


in autoload / xml / test.vim
And execute when editing some XML document

:XMLns test 


To open the full window, just type <and press CX CO

Is there a way to tell Vim which a0

I want to install help for?


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