How do you query a set of users on a google app domain in your google app engine project?

If you have a Google App Engine project, you can authenticate based on: a) anyone with a google account, or b) a specific google app domain. Since you can connect these two entities, I would imagine there is a way to request a list of users that can be authenticated. The use case lists all members of the organization on a web page running on Google App Engine. Any thoughts?


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4 answers

Requesting all users who could be authenticated in case "a" (all gmail users) would be millions and millions of users, so I'm sure you are not expecting this.

I'm sure you are actually referring to requesting those who have previously logged into your application, in which case you simply create a table to store their user information and populate it whenever an authenticated user is on your site.

You can read more in Google App Engine Docs under



App Engine has nothing to do with this. However, if you have a Premium Premium app, you can use the reporting API .



You will need to use the Premium (or Education) version of Google apps and you can use the api to list all users in the app domain:


see docs here:



Yes, there is no way to get information about people who are not logged into your application.



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