After logging out of Facebook Connect, the Facebook PHP class still thinks that the user is logged in

When the user first gets to the login screen of my site, I have a "Facebook Connect" function if the user is logged into Facebook and reloads the page if true:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  FB.init('MY_API_KEY', '/xd_receiver.htm', { 'reloadIfSessionStateChanged': true });


When the page reloads, my internal PHP code checks to see if the user is logged in to Facebook, and then automatically logs them to my site:

$Facebook = new Facebook(MY_API_KEY, MY_APP_SECRET);

if ($Facebook->get_loggedin_user()) {
  // Log the user in.


This part works great. The problem is with the logout function. Currently my output link looks like this:

<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect('http://my.url/logout/');">Log Out</a>


When this is clicked, the user will successfully log out of Facebook, but the Facebook backend PHP object still thinks the user is logged in ( $Facebook->get_loggedin_user()

still returning their user id), so my login code then logs them out again.

So the problem I find is that even though Facebook Connect is logging the user, the Facebook PHP backend still thinks the user is logged in. Does anyone know how to overcome this? Can I automatically login with my PHP code?

Thanks for any help!


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3 answers

I just helped someone with a similar problem. Basically, you need to end your facebook session and then clear the cookies (it's a bit tricky and doesn't explain it all very well in the docs):

How to disconnect users with Facebook Connect in PHP and Zend?

Please vote if it helps;)



Since I had to clear my COMPLETE session (the user should be logged out), this worked completely for me:

1.) log out to facebook:

$ redirectUrl = $ this-> getFacebook () -> getLogoutUrl (array (
            'next' => $ this-> baseUrl. '/ logout',
$ this-> redirect ($ redirectUrl);

2.) log out in my web app after returning from facebook:

public function logoutAction ()
        session_destroy ();        
        // redirect back to start page
        return $ this-> redirect ($ this-> baseUrl);


Can you set up your own variable to flag when this happens as a workaround?



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