I am opening a document usin...">

What happened to my REGEX when using the VI editor?

I have a text document:

<table width="10">


I am opening a document using the VI editor. I want to replace all instances of width = "somenumber" with nothing. I issue this command in the VI editor:



VI says no template found. I've also tried this and it doesn't work:



Below is the following:



What happened to my first two expressions?


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3 answers

There are two in your regexp !

Use \d

without []

around it first. You are probably confusing it with character classes like :alpha:

, :digit:


Second, run the sign +

. By default, you should avoid this.

So your regex would be:



And please read the help before posting to stackoverflow:

:h :s


You may also be interested in this help section:

:h magic 




Do you want to:

:0,$s/ width="\d\+"//gc



is not recognized within a character class (or rather, it is recognized as a letter d

), and +

without a backslash, it is not recognized as a vim

BRE metacharacter . You also probably want the space in front to width

be eliminated.



It will only work with two digits wide, won't it?



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