QNX Object Oriented Streams in C ++

I want to create a parallel object oriented system in QNX using C ++ and threads. How to do it?

I tried:

pthread_t our_thread_id;
pthread_create(&our_thread_id, NULL, &functionA ,NULL);


with function A being a function pointer:

void *functionA()
{ //do something


However, this feature only works in C, not C ++. How can I make it work in C ++?


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3 answers

See How do I pass a function pointer to an element to a signal handler, X event callback, system call that starts a thread / task, etc.? ...

In short, you are passing a static function ("trampoline") as a function pointer. You are passing "this" as a user-defined parameter. The static function then bounces the call back to the real object.

For example:

class Thread {
    int Create()
        return pthread_create(&m_id, NULL, start_routine_trampoline, this);

    virtual void *start_routine() = 0;

    static void *start_routine_trampoline(void *p)
        Thread *pThis = (Thread *)p;
        return pThis->start_routine();


And you need to make sure the C ++ function has the same calling convention as expected by pthread_create.



Yours is functionA

not a function pointer, it is a function that returns void*

. The function is also expected to be void *. This argument is used to pass a pointer to the data required in the stream.

If you replace

void* functionA() {



void functionA(void* threadData) {


I expect it to work in both C and C ++.



I think you need to declare functionA

as extern "C"

(and give it the correct signature, see the documentation for pthreads in QNX ). This function takes user this

intance as a parameter :

extern "C"
   void* DoSomethingInAThread(void* pGenericThis)
     YourClass* pThis = reinterpret_cast<YourClass*>(pGenericThis);

int main()
  YourClass* pSomeInstance = new YourClass();
  pthread_t our_thread_id;
  pthread_create(&our_thread_id, NULL, &DoSomethingInAThread, pSomeInstance);




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