Removing dropdown list from OSSSearchResults.aspx in SharePoint MOSS

When you search in SharePoint, the results are returned to a page called OSSSearchResults.aspx.

This page expands the search area for search, i.e. Website: Departments

How do I remove this area so that the entire collection of sites is always searchable, no matter which site I am on?

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5 answers

you can disable the context area using Sharepoint configuration. I had a similar problem described here . In my case, I needed to redirect from the OSSSearchResults page to the search center, or just disable those scopes that are redirected to that page. A configuration example with some explanation can be found here

Hope it helps



Try some simple Javascript to set the value and hide the dropdown dynamically. Mission completed!

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var objDDL = document.getElementById("ctl00_g_edb49d82_8042_45e7_b0f7_2fa3fbed4ae6_SBScopesDDL");
if( objDDL ) {
    objDDL.selectedIndex = 0;"none";




Just inherit this class from core.css into your theme: {visibility: hidden; }

Then there will be no choice.




This is a Windows SharePoint Services V3.0 search engine page and is pretty much set in stone. It is not as flexible as the MOSS 2007 Search Center, where you can customize search web parts, search scopes, and more. The WSS search allows you to search for specific sites and sub-sites only. Cross-site search is not supported - you need Enterprise Search for this.

Now, I think you donโ€™t want or donโ€™t want to invest in MOSS 2007. But you might consider creating a new Search Server 2008 Express (free) next to your WSS server. This gives you Internet search capabilities at a low cost. Let MSS 2008 index all of your WSS site collections and allow users to search from the Search Center site on the MSS 2008 server.

One drawback, however, is the small search box on your WSS sites, which will still point to the OSSSearchResults.aspx page. You will need to install a different search box to direct users to the MSS 2008 search center.



You can edit the file directly, although this is not recommended. The file is in \12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\osssearchresults.aspx

, and the corresponding item is on line 97:

<SPSWC:SearchBoxEx id="SearchBox" runat="server" 
          ScopeDisplayGroupName = ""
          ShouldTakeFocusIfEmpty=true />




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