Advantages and Disadvantages of Moving to IIS 7, Windows Server 2008 for WCF Services

We currently use IIS 6 and Windows Server 2003 for our web and application servers. Our web servers make calls to WCF service to our application servers.

We would like to migrate to IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008 so that we can use the recommended netTcpBinding (we are using basicHttpBinding at the moment).

(along with this we will also move from SQL Server 2005 to 2008)

Does anyone have any thoughts on the advantages and pitfalls of the above?


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2 answers

As you mentioned, IIS 6 only supports various HTTP-based bindings. IIS7 supports all bindings, including TCP / IP, Named Pipes (for ultra-fast in-process calls on the same machine), and MSMQ.

For a detailed comparison between hosting WCF in IIS6 and IIS7, see this MSDN article: Extend Your WCF Services Beyond HTTP with WAS



IIS 7 uses a completely different (and vastly improved!) Configuration model; Metabase went and was replaced by a hierarchical and pluggable model based on .config files. If you are unable to migrate your IIS 6 configuration to the IIS 7 model for outdated reasons, be sure to install the Metabase IIS 6 compatibility level feature. I am working on a web application at work that works fine on IIS 6 and 7 without any other modifications.

By the sounds of things, your application is not that deeply embedded in IIS, so besides the above, you shouldn't face many other issues. The compatibility between them is very good.



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