How to use rawQuery () in android

I have sql query like this

String loadFav = "SELECT _id, title, name, favorite FROM table1 where favorite= 1 " 
                     + "UNION ALL" 
                     + "SELECT _id, title, name, favorite FROM table2 where favorite= 1"

    Cursor mCursor = mSQLiteDatabase.rawQuery(loadFav, null);


I got an error running this request. Correct structure? Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

Always troubleshoot errors by looking at the SQL string, not the code that builds the SQL string!

SELECT _id, title, name, favorite FROM table1 where favorite= 1 UNION ALLSELECT _id, title, name, favorite FROM table2 where favorite= 1


You will need a space between ALL

and the second SELECT




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