Where is the original content name in the SSP search database

I need to find the table containing the Content Source Name (along with the ContentSourceId ) in the SSP search database (OR anywhere other than where it is stored in). I can access this using the SharePoint object model, but I want to access it through accessing the db table (this is not good practice according to Microsoft).
We went through all the tables, the closest table we get is MSSCrawlContent, without Content Source ID. The article that came close to solving the problem was this

Does anyone know where the Content Source Name is stored?

BTW - the application that needs to access this information is on the same domain but on a different machine.


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2 answers

The content source name and some other parameters are saved in the registry. For example, on my server they are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Office Server \ 12.0 \ Search \ Applications \ 0fd855c3-777f-4f92-94f6-164b00b29062 \ Gather \ Portal_Content \ ContentSources and the name is located in ... \ ContentSources \ 0 \ ContentSourceName. If you change some settings directly in the registry, this requires a restart of the Office SharePoint Server Search service.



this is not a good practice as its location may change with future fixes and service packs. if you can find it via OM why do you want to find it in tables?

also, given that the search will go through big changes in a future version, I suspect this field is one of the most likely to change.




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