Compiler error when using nested operator overloading in C ++

I have a URL class that overloads the ==, <,>, and! = Operators for simple comparison. The URL class has a string data member and some string functions. The operators work great when testing with the URL class.

I also have a page class that has a URL data member. I am trying to overload the same operators in the Page class. The equality in the page class is based on the equality of their respective urls, so I use the url class boolean operators to compare pages. This creates some compiler errors that I cannot understand. Code for URL operators:

bool URL::operator ==(URL & u) const {
    //url is the string instance variable
    return url == u.GetURL();


Code for page operators:

bool Page::operator ==(Page & p) const {
    //url is the URL instance variable of the Page class
    return url == p.GetURL();


This leads to the following errors:

src/Page.cpp: In member function ‘bool Page::operator==(Page&) const’:
src/Page.cpp:21: error: no match foroperator==’ in ‘((const Page*)this)->Page::url == Page::GetURL()()’
inc/URL.h:118: note: candidates are: bool URL::operator==(URL&) const


I predict that it is something dumb that I forget. Will you prove that I'm right?

edit: Fixed a bug in the ass. Thanks for the help.


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2 answers

Should be:

bool URL::operator ==(const URL & u) const {
    //url is the string instance variable
    return url == u.GetURL();


And similarly for other operators.

If you are still getting compiler errors, you may not have made GetURL()

const either :

std:string URL::GetURL() const {
    // whatever...




I would also like to point out that there are methods (i.e. public interface) to protect external objects from changes in implementation details. Also that the class is automatically a friend to itself (for the same reason) and thus just accessing the members of another object is fine.

bool URL::operator ==(URL & u) const {
    //url is the string instance variable
    return url == u.GetURL();


You can write like this:

bool URL::operator ==(URL & rhs) const
    return url == rhs.url;  // No need to use GetURL()


In my opinion, this makes the code clearer (but this is again an opinion that your taste may have)



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