Partially encapsulate a C # field

I want to know if there is any pattern that can solve this problem: I have a set of properties that need to be publicly available to multiple classes, and for other classes to be read-only, the classes need to be public .

I don't want to use reflection or other bad performance makers.

I know I can make them RO and implement the logic inside the class, but I don't think that's good.

Any help?


source to share

4 answers

Two options:

  • Make the property internal (not a class) and group the classes into different assemblies.
  • Use the magic of reflection.

Unfortunately there are no classes in C # friend




Within the current assembly, you can make it internal


Outside the current assembly, it is best to make it available to specific assemblies via [InternalsVisibleTo]


.NET does not offer more granular friend access.



class Person : IReadOnlyPerson {
    public string Name { get; set; }

public interface IReadOnlyPerson {
    string Name { get; }


For those classes that need to access r / o - use IReadOlyPerson



You can try declaring your setters protected in the base class. Any class that outputs it will be able to install it. But any class using a derived class will only see the read-only property.

public class ClassBase
    public int MyProperty
        protected set;

public sealed class ClassDerived : ClassBase
    public ClassDerived()
        MyProperty = 4; // will set

public class ClassUsingDerived
    public ClassUsingDerived()
        ClassDerived drv = new ClassDerived();
        drv.MyProperty = 5; // will fail


That is, if I understood the question correctly :)



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