Sorting or error reporting in error_messages (Rails)
4 answers
Here's an answer (for my own notes, mostly) using Baldu's answer. This puts the attributes in alpha order:
<% if @model.errors.length>0 %>
<div class="errorExplanation">
<h3>There were problems with the following fields:</h3><ul>
<% @model.attribute_names.each do |attribute| %>
<% if !@model.errors[attribute].blank? %>
<li><%= f.error_message_on attribute, Model.human_attribute_name(attribute)+ " ", :style=>"display:inline" %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Of course, you can parameterize this further as partial, for example. I'll probably do it :)
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I had the same problem in groovy in grails. changing it in the code doesn't change anything, the above answer doesn't work for me either. This is how I end up solving my problem. The command has created a custom tag to sort / arrange grails error messages.
def renderOrderedErrors = { attrs, body ->
def bean = attrs.bean
def fields = attrs.fields
fields.each { out << g.renderErrors(bean: bean, field:it) }
and this is how you use it:
<g:if test="${totalRating.hasErrors() || rating.hasErrors()}">
<div class="errors">
<g:if test="${totalRating.hasErrors()}"><g:renderOrderedErrors bean="${totalRating}" as="list" fields="${['totalEffectiveDate','awardedDisability']}"/></g:if>
<g:if test="${rating.hasErrors()}"><g:renderOrderedErrors bean="${rating}" as="list" fields="${['ratingStatus','ratingIssue','disability','effectiveDate','ratingType','socDate','nodDate','ssocDate','form9Date','six46Date','remandDate']}"/></g:if>//this is the way you want to order the fields in the form
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