Master Data, NSTableColumn Bindings, and Custom NSCell

I am trying to render an array NSManagedObjects

in NSTableView

using a custom NSCell

one that can draw the managed object correctly.

In this case, one column of mine is NSTableView

bound to arrangedObjects

a NSArrayController

. I am not using any key paths on the object.

I was under the impression that my subclass NSCell

would receive a message setObjectValue:

when the table view wants to draw a specific item, but it doesn't. But it doesn't even work as it NSManagedObjects

doesn't follow the protocol Copying


I suspect this is a common task and that there must be some easy way to do it, but I really don't see it right now.

Any insight would be appreciated.


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2 answers

You need to bind to a specific property of related objects. If you really need a single cell to draw the entire value, you should bind to objectID

as Martin suggests, but instead of resampling in your drawing cells, you can use a delegate method -tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:

to set an object as the value for a custom cell property from an array controller, avoiding both copying. so and choice.



I managed to get it to work by binding the keyed table column objectID

to the managed entity model (which matches NSCopying

). The cell then extracts the actual one NSManagedObject

using the ID. It works like a charm!



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