Best resources for learning python in customizing a class type?

One of the best classes I've taken in college is programming languages ​​where the professor introduces the concept of a language or language, played a little with it in real time, and sent us home with 10 little little functions or programs to write that used that what we learned in class and stretched it out enough to make sure you really understood what was going on. I found this learning style to be really enjoyable and appealing to me personally.

What I'm looking for is a perfect online resource that is in the same spirit. Introduce basic operators -> force me to use them. Introduce functions -> force me to use them. Introduce recursion -> make me use it. Ideally there are ~ 3 or so questions with answers that are not visible on the site, so I won't cheat :)

While resources like this are good, they aren't exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for any resources!


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6 answers

I am teaching Python to graduate students at the University of Paris, and I have definitely taken the right approach! I couldn't agree more about how useful it is.

Thus, I asked myself the same question as the one you are asking here: I would recommend the following sources, in order:

You can find other books online and I went through all of them a few months ago (in preparation for my class!); but be careful: some of them contain examples that are not examples of good practice. The links above are a solid mixture of theory and practice and cover a lot of material.



Look at them:



You can play with my PythonTurtle . Check the help screen.



Dive , don't go, in Python .



As with any programming language, follow Project Euler problems . But don't just hack the solution - try it and come up with a solution that is Pythonic, i.e. Uses the strengths of the language.



You can use sage for screen demonstration. You can use pure python with it, but have the advantage of a laptop interface. As a bonus, you can publish your sessions online so students can play with them.



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