Reading through a file using ifstream

I am trying to read from a file: The file is multi-line and basically I need to go through each "word". The word is something not a cosmos.

Sample input file:

Example file:

test 2d
    word 3.5

      test 13.5 12.3
      other {
       test 145.4

So, I tried something like this:

ifstream inFile(fajl.c_str(), ifstream::in);

    cout << "Cannot open " << fajl << endl;

string curr_str;
char curr_ch;
int curr_int;
float curr_float;

cout << "HERE\n";
inFile >> curr_str;

cout << "Read " << curr_str << endl;


The problem is that when reading a new line, it just hangs. I read everything before challenge 13.5 but once it reaches this line it does nothing. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Any better suggestion on how to do this ???

I essentially need to go through the file and go to one "word" (not white char) at a time. I



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2 answers

Are you opening the file 'inFile' but reading from "std :: cin" for any specific reason?

 * Open the file.
std::ifstream   inFile(fajl.c_str());   // use input file stream don't.
                                        // Then you don't need explicitly specify
                                        // that input flag in second parameter
if (!inFile)   // Test for error.
    std::cerr << "Error opening file:\n";

std::string   word;
while(inFile >> word)  // while reading a word succeeds. Note >> operator with string
{                      // Will read 1 space separated word.
    std::cout << "Word(" << word << ")\n";




Not sure how this is "in the spirit" of the iostream library, but you can do it with unformatted input. Something like:

char tempCharacter;
std::string currentWord;
while (file.get(tempCharacter))
    if (tempCharacter == '\t' || tempCharacter == '\n' || tempCharacter == '\r' || tempCharacter == ' ')
        std::cout << "Current Word: " << currentWord << std::endl;


It works?



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