Is it possible to keep the window layout in Windows XP?

When I work with files in my project, I usually have four windows opening a view of four different folders in four quadrants of the screen. My morning ritual involves manually opening these four folders, it only takes a few minutes, but I was hoping to find a way to automate this using Windows XP?

Any ideas?


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2 answers

You can write a batch file using the following commands:

start c:\myfolder1
start c:\myfolder2
start c:\myfolder3
start c:\myfolder4


or, as Bart said in the comments to this answer, he uses this method:

explorer c:\myfolder1  (etc...)


and then run it in any way (on startup, with a shortcut ...)

As far as keeping their position on the screen is concerned, I don't know much about it, but you can try using Winsplit Revolution . This will allow you to use hotkeys to move windows (Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 7 moves the window in the upper left corner).



Please take a look at TaskLayout: a portable Windows utility that allows you to save / restore the desktop layout (a set of specified applications / windows with the corresponding position on the screen) with one click.
It can save layouts to launch apps / folders / special folders, etc. And even works in WindowsXP.
Here are some examples of how it works: Video1 , Video2



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