Dynamically subclass

I am using Kohana and just found this piece of code in my autoload method

        // Class extension to be evaluated
        $extension = 'class '.$class.' extends '.$class.'_Core { }';

        // Start class analysis
        $core = new ReflectionClass($class.'_Core');

        if ($core->isAbstract())
            // Make the extension abstract
            $extension = 'abstract '.$extension;

        // Transparent class extensions are handled using eval. This is
        // a disgusting hack, but it gets the job done.


basically what it does, when I mean a class that doesn't exist (by creating an object, calling class_exists (), etc.) Kohana will create a class (like Foo) that extends the library class which follows a specific naming convention (like Foo_Core). just curious if there is a way to do something like this, but without using eval?


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3 answers

If you want to create a dynamic class then eval()

this is a goto function (intended for puns). However, however related, I found that you can put a class declaration in a statement if-then

. So you can do the following:

    class foo
       // methods


I use this to check if dynamically generated classes are leaking (from config file) ... if so load the class, otherwise ... restore the class and load a new one. So if you want to create dynamic classes for the same reasons, this might be the solution.



I think you are stuck with eval()

for this.

It is labeled as a "disgusting hack", so it does it fine :)

I would be interested to know what you are doing with such an empty class ...



If you want to be able to cache your dynamically generated classes, you can write it to a file and require it. This can be considered equivalent, but this is an option. For classes that are created once and are used frequently, this might be a good solution. For classes that need to be dynamic every time, sticking with eval is probably the best solution.

$proxyClassOnDisk = '/path/to/proxyCodeCache/' . $clazz .'.cachedProxyClass';
if ( ! file_exists($proxyClassOnDisk) ) {
    // Generate the proxy and put it into the proxy class on disk.
    file_put_contents($proxyClassOnDisk, $this->generateProxy($object));


In this example, the idea is that you are creating dynamic proxies for the class $object

. $this->generateProxy($object)

will return a string that looks something like what it looks like $extension

in the original question.

This is far from a complete implementation, just some pseudo code to show what I am describing.



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