Executing and monitoring multiple instances of an external program in Python

The main program is as follows:

subprocess.Popen('python child.py param=example1'.split(' '))
subprocess.Popen('python child.py param=example2'.split(' '))


How to make a main program to monitor all instances of a child process that it started and restart it with appropriate parameters if it doesn't work.

The goal of keeping multiple instances of the child process instead of implementing a multi-threaded architect in the main process is to use as many CPUs and databases as possible.


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1 answer

Keep dict from .pid

child processes as keys and command lines to restart them as appropriate values. i.e:.

childid = []
for cmdline in cmdlines:
  p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline.split())
  childid[p.pid] = cmdline


os.wait will return whenever any child process ends: it gives you the (pid, exitstatus) child. So just restart and maintain childid

. i.e:.

while mustcontinue:
  pid, exitstat = os.wait()
  cmdline = childid.pop(pid)
  p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline.split())
  childid[p.pid] = cmdline


Presumably you have some criteria for when this endless loop ends, I just used mustcontinue

as a name for those criteria here :-).



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