Unknown DateTime Exception C #
The data I am sending to the convertStringToDataSet function is
<NewDataSet>\r\n <Table ID="Table1">
<NOTE>New 180-day low -- ALERT: loss of 11.6 % in 123 days</NOTE>\r\n
</Table>\r\n <Table ID="Table2">
<NOTE>New 180-day low -- ALERT: loss of 14.5 % in 86 days</NOTE>\r\n
private DataSet convertStringToDataSet(string xmlString)
// Search for datetime values of the format
// --> 2004-08-22T00:00:00.0000000-05:00
string rp = @"(?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{7}-)(?\d{2})(?:\d{2})";
// Replace UTC offset value
string fixedString = Regex.Replace( xmlString, rp, new MatchEvaluator( getHourOffset ) );
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
StringReader stringReader = new StringReader( fixedString );
dataSet.ReadXml( stringReader );
return dataSet;
private static string getHourOffset( Match m )
// Need to also account for Daylights Savings
// Time when calculating UTC offset value
string Date=m.Result( "${date}" );
DateTime dtLocal = DateTime.Parse( m.Result( "${date}" ) );
DateTime dtUTC = dtLocal.ToUniversalTime();
int hourLocalOffset = dtUTC.Hour - dtLocal.Hour;
int hourServer = int.Parse( m.Result( "${hour}" ) );
string newHour = ( hourServer + ( hourLocalOffset -
hourServer ) ).ToString( "0#" );
string retString = m.Result( "${date}" + "${time}" +
newHour + "${last}" );
return retString;
The exception I am getting The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 2.
DateTime.Parse will use all sorts of templates. Assuming you have an explicit format, I would use DateTime.ParseExact - that way you know what it's looking for.
And as lassevk said, look at the line before trying to parse it.
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Have you debugged it and put a breakpoint there to make sure the line you are getting is actually the line you expect?
Moreover, it is:
m.Result( "${date}" )
Where is this group defined?
I would strip the extraction of the found Regex value into a string and then convert it. This will allow you to place a breakpoint there and check the value found.
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