Nested hyperlinks displayed in Internet Explorer without the following space. What is the reason? YUI?

I have a problem that is most likely some kind of ugly CSS error, but I just cannot figure out a solution (and a few changes I tried did not help).

Some hypertext in the text (not all!) Are displayed in Internet Explorer without the following space.

here is an example

See the WatchBot link just below the Rationale heading (and several similar links deeper in the article). Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Konqueror - everything is displayed correctly: WatchBot . IE (6.0, but IIRC also 7.0) displays it as ** WatchBot *** can *.

I am using Yui- reset and yui-base. Is it possible that these libraries are causing the problem?


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6 answers

Solution: My page was messed up with text script ads (which, in fact, I activated on the English blog by mistake - this is a script from, a Polish firm). Everything is in order after disconnection.

Thanks to everyone who pointed me in the right direction.



Do you have a script running and modifying content in any way? I say this because the page loads fine initially, but looks like it is undergoing some modification later in the load lifecycle.



If you think reset or base is doing this, try deleting them one at a time - I haven't had any experience with this error before (usually I use full blow: Reset, Grids, Base and fonts).

However, I noticed that the first WatchBot link on the page is simple:

<p>Have you ever been curious how is 
<a href="">WatchBot</a>
picking the games to observe and save? Here is the explanation.</p>


Where the second link looks like:

<span>Due to the FICS limitations </span>
<a href="">WatchBot</a><span> can


I have no idea what the second spacing is doing there - maybe check something. (However, he checked the fine - so there is definitely a closing interval).



I'd say a good place to start would be just the space after the anchor, but before the span, not just after the start tag of the span.



Have you tried to disable pageTracker? This appears to be the only script on your page and it looks good in my static form.

EDIT: I wondered what Ross was talking about - I haven't seen. I looked at the source. I just found out that Firefox allows you to see the original and generated source (Toos / Web Developer / View Source). Of course, the generated source has an additional gap.



Current state of affairs: Since steve_c is seen first, and buti-oxa confirmed, it looks like the layout is flawed by javascript (and as Ross pointed out, some extra spacing is being introduced). Thanks everyone, I missed this.

I have to experiment and selectively disable these scripts (analytics and Google ads) to test if this helps (my current bet is that maybe I have an HTML error or a name conflict)



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