Why is Safari ignoring the CSS table row height (tr) attributes after re-drawing?
I am trying to apply CSS styling to a GWT (Google Web Toolkit) generated html table in Safari. In particular, I cannot get Safari to respect the table row-height attribute after I run any kind of re-rendering of the table.
The following basic example illustrates the problem:
<style type="text/css">
tr {
height: 50px;
font-weight: bold; /* added to prove that other style rules are re-applied when enabling css again */
<table border="1px">
If I open this page in Safari, it displays correctly at first. If I then choose disable styles from the Design menu and then re-enable them, the heigh rule is ignored and the table row height is calculated as if it were set to auto.
This is exactly what happens when rows / cells are added or removed programmatically in my GWT FlexTable.
Does anyone know what is causing this behavior and is there a workaround that doesn't require setting a fixed height on the entire table?
Read more: Running Safari version 4.0.3 (5531.9) on Mac OSX Leopard
The problem also occurs using the GWT Hosted Mode browser (which is essentially Safari when launched on Mac)
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