Tried redmine and trac but none of them allow me to share milestones and bugs between projects

Do you know a good alternative to redmine or trac that allows such a feature? I've also tried fogbugz, but it's too poorly integrated with browsing the svn repository (and no sign of code browsing support).


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2 answers

Sorry, but I don't think there is a "good alternative to Redmine", it's a good system to use.

I'm not too sure what exactly pushes your requirements, so my only suggestion is to look at subproject support on Redmine. For all your projects where you want to share bugs and milestones, a top-level project is created, individual projects can be sub-projects within this main umbrella project.

If the problem is common in many projects, then create it in the main project, ask specific questions for one project, then create it in a subproject, filtering at the top level can be configured to show all problems from subprojects as well as the main project.

Redmine has unique numbering for all issues, so in tickets or wiki you can easily re-cross control tickets across projects.

If that doesn't help, I think you will fall into the realm of writing your own plugin.



You might want to consider Trac with the Ticket Mover plugin , which also allows you to copy or move tickets and other Trac elements, including milestones.

Not a perfect solution as you need to push changes to milestones, but we found it useful in a situation like yours where milestones were great but bugs / features sometimes needed to be resolved across multiple projects.



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