Issue adding a link to a WCF service hosted on a Windows service

I am creating a WCF Service Interface for an existing Windows Service Process. The purpose of the WCF interface is to provide a "Command Channel" for implementing administrative capabilities for a Windows service. There are several OperationContract methods defined that are designed to retrieve information and control the behavior of a Windows service far beyond the Start / Stop / Pause capabilities of Services applets.

This WCF service is designed to participate in an existing process. So starting a WCF service in IIS or ServiceHost is not an option.

My problem is that although ServiceHost is not throwing an error in Open (), I cannot get the "WCF Test Client" (or anything else) to find the service.

This is my first WCF service and I haven't been able to find examples or patterns that match what I'm trying to do. Therefore, I have no illusions, and I would not be surprised if I did something wrong. Also, not that I have "portSharingBinding = false". I had it, but it was an error indicating another service that I don't want to run. Is port separation required?

Configuration information:

      <binding  name="PortBinding" portSharingEnabled="false" />  
    <service name="NameChanged.ServiceManager.CommandService">  
    <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost"  
              contract="NameChanged.ServiceManager.ICommandService" />  


I have also tried the no config route using the following code:

  ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(CommandService)))  
                           new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://localhost:8000");  


Also, there is no bug on Open (). But there is no success in connecting to the service.

Thanks for your time


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1 answer

I can only talk to a WCF test client, but it looks for metadata for your service so that it can generate a proxy for it. It is not clear from the above configuration that you are viewing the metadata exchange endpoint. Take a look at this link for more information:

You can access your service without using public metadata to create a proxy, but to do this, you will need to manually create channels:



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