Reading and Writing to EditText

What is the best way to read text from EditText into code and write some text from code to EditText?

Sorry I have not a TextView but an EditText

Hello to all

I am new to android, I want to write automatically from code to EditText and read in code from EditText

What is the best way to do this.


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1 answer

Java classes typically expose readable attributes using a method get*

and writeable attributes using a method set*

. In case a EditText

it is:






see here and here (they are inherited from TextView


Note: Scroll a little. You will see that they are defined several times. With different parameters. Choose the one you need.

A simple example. Suppose you have a TextView with id myTextField


EditText myText = (EditText) this.findViewById(;

// Setting the text:
myText.setText( "Hello World!" );

// "Reading" the text (printing it to stdout):
System.out.println( myText.getText() );




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