Software subscription to native Windows Mobile apps

Is there any CA that allows you to programmatically sign Windows mobile apps? At the moment my team is using Geotrust. Our build procedure looks like this:

  • Create application
  • "pre-sign" application with multi-step tool (
  • fill out the form and upload the "pre-signed" application to the geotrust website.
  • download signed application
  • to repeat

There must be a better way to do this.


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1 answer

Verisign provides a SOAP API that you can automate to sign M2M when using "new" signing procedures.

The company I work with is using Verisign using the old method and we are building an app to automate the filling and loading of the web forum that works fine. We're in the middle of a rewrite to use the SOAP API instead of the new M2M signing rules.



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