Customer Report Definition (.rdlc) Vertical Text Alignment Text Box

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and created a client report definition (.rdlc).

In this report, I add one text box and double it. When I change the TextAlign to "Center" it centers the text correctly, but when I set the VerticalAlign to "Middle" nothing happens. The text box is large enough so that it doesn't clearly align in the middle. Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it?


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2 answers

I had a similar problem. The curious part is that two columns of the table display the text correctly - vertically aligned in the middle - while the other three columns display text aligned upwards.

The only difference I found in the settings for the two correct text fields and the three incorrect text fields is the Format field.
Text boxes that are correctly aligned have the Format property set to "F4", while the other three text boxes have nothing.

First I tried to change the Format property for only one of the three, and then all three now show OK.



Try using jquery after loading the report.

$(document).ready(function () {
 $('*[id*=oReportCell]').closest("table").css("margin", "auto");
 $('*[id*=oReportCell]').css("vertical-align", "middle");




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